The Extended Semantic Web Conference is a major venue for discussing the latest scientific results and technology innovations around semantic technologies. Building on its past success, ESWC is seeking to broaden its focus to span other relevant related research areas in which Web semantics plays an important role.
The goal of the Semantic Web is to create a Web of knowledge and services in which the semantics of content is made explicit and content is linked to both other content and services allowing novel applications to combine content from heterogeneous sites in unforeseen ways and support enhanced matching between users needs and content. This network of knowledge-based functionality will weave together a large network of human knowledge, and make this knowledge machine-processable to support intelligent behaviour by machines. Creating such an interlinked Web of knowledge which spans unstructured text, structured data as well as multimedia content and services requires the collaboration of many disciplines, including but not limited to: Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Databases and Information Systems, Information Retrieval, Machine Learning, Multimedia, Distributed Systems, Social Networks, Web Engineering, and Web Science. These complementarities are reflected in the outline of the technical program of the ESWC 2024. ESWC 2024 will present the latest results in research, technologies and applications in its field. Besides the technical program organized over numerous tracks, the conference will feature a workshop and tutorial program, system descriptions and demos, a posters exhibition and a doctoral symposium.
All information on the ESWC conference series and past conferences can be found at
Tutorials and Workshops:
- Day 1 – May 26th 2024
- Day 2 – May 27th 2024
Main Conference:
- Day 1 – May 28th 2024
- Day 2 – May 29th 2024
- Day 3 – May 30th 2024
[01] Integrating Action Robot Ontology for Enhanced Human-Robot Interaction: A NAO Robot Case Study [pdf] [Asset available!]
by Diego Reforgiato Recupero and Lorenzo Boi
[02] RDF2vec Embeddings for Updateable Knowledge Graphs – Reuse, don’t Retrain! [pdf]
by Sang Hyu Hahn and Heiko Paulheim
[03] The Helmholtz Knowledge Graph: driving the transition towards a FAIR data ecosystem in the Helmholtz Association [pdf] [Asset available!]
by Jens Bröder, Gabriel Preuß, Fiona D’Mello, Said Fathalla, Volker Hofmann and Stefan Sandfeld
[04] Compatibility Challenges of the Current State-of-the-Art Provenance Tools [pdf][Asset available!]
by Rudolf Wittner and Matúš Formánek
[05] Converter: Enhancing Interoperability in Research Data Management [pdf] [Asset available!]
by Sefika Efeoglu, Zongxiong Chen, Sonja Schimmler and Bianca Wentzel
[06] Datatypes for Lists and Maps in RDF Literals [pdf] [Asset available!]
by Olaf Hartig, Gregory Todd Williams, Michael Schmidt, Ora Lassila, Carlos Manuel Lopez Enriquez and Bryan Thompson
[07] Ontogenia: Ontology Generation with Metacognitive Prompting in Large Language Models [pdf] [Asset available!]
by Anna Sofia Lippolis, Miguel Ceriani, Sara Zuppiroli and Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese
[08] Critical Path Identification in Supply Chain Knowledge Graphs with Large Language Models [pdf]
by Yaomengxi Han, Zifeng Ding, Yushan Liu, Bailan He and Volker Tresp
[09] MusicBO, an application of Text2AMR2FRED to the Musical Heritage domain [pdf] [Asset available!]
by Aldo Gangemi, Arianna Graciotti, Antonello Meloni, Eleonora Marzi, Andrea Nuzzolese, Valentina Presutti, Diego Reforgiato Recupero, Alessandro Russo and Rocco Tripodi
[10] Gotta Catch’em All: From Data Silos to a Knowledge Graph [pdf] [Asset available!]
by Oleksandra Bruns, Linnaea Söhn, Tabea Tietz, Jonatan Jalle Steller, Etienne Posthumus, Torsten Schrade and Harald Sack
[11] Extending Ontology Engineering for Knowledge Graph Construction [pdf]
by Romana Pernisch, María Poveda-Villalón, Diego Conde-Herreros, David Chaves-Fraga and Lise Stork
[12] Observations on Bloom Filters for Traversal-Based Query Execution over Solid Pods [pdf] [Asset available!]
by Jonni Hanski, Ruben Taelman and Ruben Verborgh
[13] ArtSampo — Finnish Art on the Semantic Web [pdf]
by Annastiina Ahola, Heikki Rantala and Eero Hyvönen
[14] German Tourism Knowledge Graph [pdf] [Asset available!]
by Umutcan Serles, Elias Kärle, Richard Hunkel and Dieter Fensel
[15] Towards Semantic Annotation for Scientific Datasets [pdf]
by Alsayed Algergawy, Hamdi Hamed, Sven Thiel and Birgitta König-Ries
[16] Optimizing Class Subsumption through Controlled Dynamics of n-Balls in Vector Space [pdf]
by Aniket Mitra and Vinu Venugopal
[17] OAEI Machine Learning Dataset for Online Model Generation [pdf] [Asset available!]
by Sven Hertling, Ebrahim Norouzi and Harald Sack
[18] From Liberating to Questioning Tabular Data in Documents Using Knowledge Graphs [pdf]
by Kautuk Raj and Pierre Maret
[19] Searching and analyzing cross-border multilingual legislation on the Semantic Web [pdf] [Asset available!]
by Eero Hyvönen, Hien Cao, Heikki Rantala and Aki Hietanen
[20] CLARA search engine: Linking Licensed Educational Resources [pdf] [Asset available!]
by Manoé Kieffer, Hugo Chabane, Matthéo Lécrivain and Patricia Serrano Alvarado
[21] A Framework for Question Answering on Knowledge Graphs Using Large Language Models [pdf] [Asset available!]
by Caio Viktor Avila, Marco Casanova and Vânia Vidal
[22] KGSnap!: query Knowledge Graphs by Snap! [pdf] [Asset available!]
by Vincenzo Offertucci, Maria Angela Pellegrino and Vittorio Scarano
[23] KGHeartBeat: a Knowledge Graph Quality Assessment Tool [pdf] [Asset available!]
by Maria Angela Pellegrino, Anisa Rula and Gabriele Tuozzo
[24] Granular Access to Policy-Governed Linked Data via Partial Server-Side Query [pdf] [Asset available!]
by Joachim Van Herwegen and Ruben Verborgh
[25] RMLdoc: Documenting Mapping Rules for Knowledge Graph Construction [pdf] [Asset available!]
by Jhon Toledo, Ana Iglesias-Molina, David Chaves-Fraga and Daniel Garijo
[26] Searching and Analyzing Coin Finds with Linked Data Based Web Application [pdf] [Asset available!]
by Heikki Rantala, Eljas Oksanen, Frida Ehrnsten and Eero Hyvönen
[27] PySPARQL Anything Showcase [pdf] [Asset available!]
by Marco Ratta, Enrico Daga and Luigi Asprino
[28] Semantic Tool Hub: Towards A Sustainable Community-Driven Documentation of Semantic Web Tools [pdf] [Asset available!]
by Achim Reiz, Fajar J. Ekaputra and Nandana Mihindukulasooriya
[29] SCOOP-UI: SHACL Shape Extraction in Just a Click! [pdf] [Asset available!]
by Xuemin Duan, David Chaves-Fraga and Anastasia Dimou
[30] RDFminer: an Interactive Tool for the Evolutionary Discovery of SHACL Shapes [pdf] [Asset available!]
by Rémi Felin, Pierre Monnin, Catherine Faron and Andrea Tettamanzi
[31] Finding Root Causes for Outliers in Semantically Annotated Sensor Data [pdf]
by Tim Strobel, Tim Pychynski and Andreas Harth
[32] KinGVisher — Knowledge Graph Visualizer [pdf] [Asset available!]
by Andreas Both, Aleksandr Perevalov and Aleksandr Gashkov
[32] Data Search and Discovery in RDF Sources [pdf]
by Zoé Chevallier, Zoubida Kedad, Béatrice Finance and Frédéric Chaillan
[33] Taking Control of Your Health Data: A Solid-based Mobile App for Wearable Data Collection and RDF Visualization [pdf] [Asset available!]
by Thomas Wehr, Michael Freund and Andreas Harth
[34] MLSeascape: Search over Machine Learning Metadata Empowered by Knowledge Graphs [pdf] [Asset available!]
by Ioannis Dasoulas, Duo Yang and Anastasia Dimou
[35] CLASS MATE: Cross-Lingual Semantic Search for Material Science driven by Knowledge Graphs [pdf] [Asset available!]
by Aleksandr Perevalov, Jiveshwari Chinchghare, Mouli Krishna, Shivam Sharma, Amal Nimmy Lal, Aryman Deshwal, Andreas Both and Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo
[36] A Method and a Library for Visual Data Schemas [pdf] [Asset available!]
by Lelde Lace, Aiga Romane, Jana Fedotova, Mikus Grasmanis and Kārlis Čerāns
Project Networking
[37] Green responsibLe provACy preserving dAta operaTIONs (GLACIATION) by Aidan O Mahony
[38] TrustAlert: Empowering Public Health with Real-Time Insights and Future Preparedness by Gianluca Apriceno and Patrizio Bellan
[39] DataBri-X European Data Spaces, Platforms & Marketplaces by Robert David
[40] SoilWise: An open access knowledge and data repository to safeguard soils by Panagiotis Ilias
[41] Nature FIRST by Albin Ahmeti
[42] DAta-CEntric AI-driven Data Linking (DACE-DL) by Konstantin Todorov
[43] Serendipity Engine by Pieter Colpaert
[44] SolidLab Flanders by Wout Slabbinck
[45] USAGE: Urban Data Space for Green Deal by Lucia Sanchez Gonzalez
[46] PERKS: Eliciting and Exploiting Procedural Knowledge in Industry 5.0 by Irene Celino
[47] HACID: Hybrid Human Artificial Collective Intelligence in Open-Ended Domains by Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese
[48] Efficient Explainable Learning on Knowledge Graphs (ENEXA) by Paul Groth
[49] GESIS Digital Behavioral Data by Danilo Dessi’
[50] Smart Edge by Mario Scrocca
[51] Onto-DESIDE: Ontology-based Decentralized Sharing of Industry Data in the European Circular Economy by Eva Blomqvist
[52] European Virtual Institute for Research Software Excellence (EVERSE) by Aleksandar Stankovski
[53] SENSE: Semantics-based Explanation of Cyber-physical Systems by Marta Sabou

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