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Edge-decentralized data management
This pilot addresses the need for resource-efficiency and high privacy standards of a nation-wide platform for human resources management in a decentralised public administration.
Leading Beneficiary
Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze
Sogei - SocietĂ  Generale d'Informatica S.p.A.
CC-BY ref Sandia Labs @ Flickr
This pilot addresses the need for resource-efficiency advanced data analytics of tugbots and cobots in a highly digitalised smart manufacture.
Leading Beneficiary
Dell Technologies
Privacy-preserving cross company analytics
This pilot addresses the need for the highest privacy standards while enabling data sharing and analysis in a distributed architecture spanning across organisational boundaries.
Leading Beneficiary
Sap Se
Smart IoT for Enhanced Grid Efficiency and Resilience
This pilot addresses the need for optimized energy consumption, enhanced performance, and data privacy/protection while integrating smart IoT devices into the grid to bridge the gap between operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT).
Leading Beneficiary