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This section contains the public deliverables of the project.

D8.1 Communication, Networking and Dissemination Plan and Activities


D8.6 Data Management Plan - Initial


D6.1 Reference metadata model WP6 3 - HIRO R — Document, report


D4.1 Policies and techniques for data protection in modern distributed environments


D5.1 GLACIATION power measurement framework software


D6.2 Script and Microservices software


D8.7 Data Management Plan


D8.2 Communication, Networking and Dissemination Plan and Activities


D2.1 Architecture design and component definitions


D3.1 Secure AI Enabled Placement Engine – intermediate


D3.3 Ethical and Privacy Impact Assessment and Recommendations – intermediate


D7.2 Use Case Integration, Validation, and Demonstration Report – intermediate


D8.4 GLACIATION IPR Management, Business Models, and Business Plan – intermediate


D2.2 GLACIATION Kernel Development and Integration


D6.3 Script and Microservices incl. UIX for DKG software – final


D5.2 Report on energy-efficient data management techniques, dynamic power allocation schemes, and workload-driven energy efficiency analysis


D6.4 Standard set of queries


D3.2 Secure AI Enabled Placement Engine - final


D3.4 Ethical and Privacy Impact Assessment and Recommendations – final


D4.2 Tools, models, and techniques for data protection


D7.1 Complete platform with advanced components


D7.3 Use Case Integration, Validation, and Demonstration Report – final


D8.3 Communication, Networking and Dissemination Plan and Activities – final


D8.5 GLACIATION IPR Management, Business Models, and Business Plan – final